Christmas break

23rd December 2021

This blog is going to have a few days off over Christmas.

There has been a post every day now for well over a year, and a break would be nice.

Thank you for putting up with my drivel.

Thank you especially to those who leave such high quality, non-irksome comments.

If you would like to support this independent, free-to-read blog continuing in 2022, you can do so through the Paypal box above, or become a Patreon subscriber.

51 thoughts on “Christmas break”

  1. You deserve a break. Your work is accurate, absolutely clear and to the point and unmissable. Thank you.

  2. Absolutely not drivel! Informative, analytical, educational, fun to read – altogether a very worthwhile daily treat.

  3. Your blog has been/is fantastic for non-experts like me — thank you so much for posting so often.
    Do enjoy the holidays/Holidays, you have certainly deserved a break!

  4. David,

    Thank you for your posts over 2021.

    I have engaged a little (though you may have defined me amongst the ‘irksome’ brigade, I can only assure that what I have posted is true, accurate and genuine, in the hope of furtherance of a better society for all) in a comment on some things that you have written.

    I think you have a genuine desire to improve things generally, and in relation to your posts, they have, at least, ignited thought on certain subjects. You are to be commended for that.

    That, at least, is the starting point, to progress.

    We all know that there is much that is wrong. But, by the same token, there is much that is doubtless right. We all have our own personal views and experiences and, in such an eclectic mix, hardly surprising anything can be achieved!

    We all do what we can, and I acknowledge, as others may, that you do also.

    Best wishes to you, and yours for Christmas, and the New Year and, maybe, 2022 will see better things for all.

    Enjoy your break from trying to make the UK a better place to live in.


  5. Thank you for brightening my day and helping me understand the machinations of the Law and the Government!
    Have a lovely Christmas.

  6. Thank you very much for your thoughtful blog posts, I’m always looking forward to reading them. I have very much enjoyed your analyses and musings and the new avenues for thought they provide (for a non legalistic person!). A very happy Christmas to you and yours and an excellent new year!

  7. Best wishes to you and many thanks for your “drivel” through the year. Thought provoking and topical and as a retired public service lawyer – envy for your persistence and insight.

  8. Best wishes to you over the Christmas period. The same to all those irksome, non irksome responders and all those who couldn’t tell the difference 🎅🏻🎄

  9. David,

    Enjoy your well-earned break. Your blog is an island of enlightenment in these bleak times, and a must-read every day. Many thanks.

  10. I’m a bit of a ‘drive by’ commentator in that , if the days post interests me, I’ll fire off a response.

    Given our almost diametrically opposed views for circa 90% of the time, I still genuinely find your views and those of other ‘remainer’ commentators interesting – understanding the psyche and motivations of others is important in this superficial social age we tend to live in.

    For this, I’m grateful – it takes time & effort to do as you do so, thank you from this occasionally irksome Islingtonian.

    Seasons greetings to you & yours.

    regards – John

          1. It’s natural. We’re almost programmed to polarise – if everyone was the same (or similar) it’s too awful to think about.

            Merry Xmas to you too.

        1. Brexit was only ever the means to an end.

          If you have failed to convince the majority of the population of the desirability of your ends, that is hardly their fault. Even more so when the right are scared of openly calling for what they want.

          It is unbecoming to blame the majority of the population for preferring the happier state of affairs before 2016 – although I understand you must be deeply frustrated with what you are seeing.

          Learning to let younger generations make their choices for themselves is proving to be a particularly hard pill for the Baby Boom generation to swallow. Think how how your own parents would have regarded the governments after Churchill’s death. Divorce! Abortion! Homosexuality! East of Suez!

          Happy holidays

  11. Thank you. It is a shame you have had so much to comment on.

    Enjoy your break.

    I very much doubt that idiocy in the areas of law and policy will have disappeared by the time you return.

  12. Thank you, David and Happy Christmas. I really enjoy your blogs and the knowledge and common sense that inform them. Have a good break.

  13. Thank you, David, for your excellent contribution to my understanding of out politic. A highly valued perspective.

  14. Personally, I really value this insight. I’m sure I’m not alone. Thank you for your continued efforts, casting pearls my way.

  15. The arrival of your blog email is a ‘sanity stop’ in the day. Helps to keep from getting frayed at the edges, I must say. Have a pleasant break, for there will be more events to come next year, for sure.

  16. Happy Christmas Mr Green. Thank you for your always interesting insights into the worlds of policy and the law.

  17. Very happy Christmas – you certainly deserve a break! Thank you for all your insights, erudition and elucidation of the legal angles of government policy. It’s very helpful and I enjoy your blogs – I read every single one and very much appreciate all your hard work in writing them.

  18. Thank you so much for sharing your insights. Here’s to the next year if your sanity can stand it!

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wishing you a wonderful, peace filled break.

  19. Drivel, no. Informative, clear, incisive commentary, yes. A ‘must-read’, in these turbulent days of the Chinese curse (“May you live in interesting times”). Thank you. Looking forward to your resuming your commentary in the next year, a year that will doubtless merit one of your memorable phrases …
    Brace, brace.

  20. Thank you for your insightful blog, have a well earned break – I suspect there will be plenty to comment on in 2022!

  21. Thank you DAG. What would intellectual life be like if we all agreed with each other?Enjoy Christmas from one Brummy to another and see you on the other side.

  22. You have certainly earned a Christmas break. This year, there seems to have been something important at least every week, and at times more often!
    Your commentary is informative, accessible and clear. I feel more aware of how things work are designed to operate in the corridors of power, and how these designs are often subverted (whether inteionally or not).
    Thank you for this public service of sharing your knowledge, expertise and experience so helpfully.
    Happy Christmas!!

  23. May I be the 94th person to thank you for all the thoughtful analysis you’ve published about these unstable times. Enjoy your break and return a giant refreshed!

  24. I have enjoyed all your posts and appreciate the demands on your time.
    Please keep it up but don’t feel obliged to say something every day.
    The occasional ‘Well….’ Speaks volumes.

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