Day off from posting, as it is my birthday

28th March

Fifty years ago today: also a Sunday.

Marc Bolan and T. Rex were number one.

And I was born.

Cakes are somewhere in your kitchen: enjoy.

Blogging will resume tomorrow.

114 thoughts on “Day off from posting, as it is my birthday”

  1. Wishing you a very happy birthday David!
    Your daily blog elucidates so much, occasionally alarms but mostly reassures me that there is still a voice of reason and compassion in the world. Thank you.

  2. You’re just a few weeks older than me. All the best people obviously born in 1971! Happy birthday David. Thank you for your excellent work. Have a great day off.

  3. 🎼Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear David,
    Happy birthday to you 🎶

  4. Happy Birthday then. Have a good day and thank you for your blogs which help me look under the stones!

  5. Happy birthday! Enjoy a well deserved day off. Hope there are cakes and bubbles. Thanks for all of your excellent commentary over the last few years.

  6. A very happy birthday David, and a big thank you for your entertaining and insightful blog. Many happy returns!

  7. Very happy birthday, and many thanks for such a great blog – absolutely unmissable. (I’ve just quoted from it in a book chapter I’ve written).

  8. Happy birthday! Have a great day. Thank you for the posts – they are essential daily reading.

  9. Congratulations on your historic orbit around the sun!
    And best wishes for many more orbits!

  10. Happy Birthday David Allen Green 🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳

  11. Hartelijk gefeliciteerd
    Herzliche Glückwünsche
    Palju õnne
    toutes mes félicitations
    mazl – tov
    Fifty is a great age! Congratulations

  12. David. YOU are number one! I wish you a great day and year. Thankyou for all the posts you have produced.

  13. Happy Birthday DAG – I’d like to echo all the comments here thanking you for your herculean efforts in producing such high quality posts seven days a week. Rarely was a day off so richly deserved.

  14. Only 50- so much more to come

    Work resumes tomorrow .

    We all need the occasional day off – some people think we have had a year of days off

  15. Well! Shocked, shocked that you are taking a day off – but have a happy birthday and many happy returns, and thank you for your blogs.

  16. Happy birthday, you spring chicken with a wise head! I thank you for your brilliant and elucidating posts, as everybody else here is doing. Lucy from Bristol (and no, I’m not out on the demonstrations against the new policing bill though it merits demonstration against it).

  17. Best wishes for very happy birthday. Thank you for your excellent clear writing about legal matters and FT video.

  18. We would all want to wish DAG a most happy birthday.


    Article 4 of The Limitations and Restrictions on the Offering of Birthday Wishes (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020, which slipped through unnoticed, I think, just before Christmas makes it an offence to wish anyone a happy birthday who knowingly or unknowingly causes “annoyance” or “nuisance” to a Crown servant (as technically defined elsewhere) by reason of analysis of government law or policy as it applies to Brexit, Coronavirus, asylum, flags…The regulations are very widely drawn and may indeed, some jurists consider, be without limit.

    We may all be vulnerable.

  19. Happy birthday, David, and many happy returns.

    Thank you for your blog, which is performing a valuable public service.

  20. Tantissimi auguri, caro David, da Ascoli Piceno nella Marche! And thank you so much for your brilliant work.

  21. Many happy returns!

    Thanks for all the education.
    You’re providing a public service & we really appreciate it.

  22. Happy Birthday. Marc Bolan was awesome. I remember hearing about the crash that killed him, when it happened. I always liked my brothers music.

  23. Glad you have had a day of cake-eating, instead of feeding the ever-hungry readers of your wonderful blog.

    You’ve made me feel very old, however, in your remark concerning Marc Bolan. Perhaps I could do with fewer birthdays.

    Oh, and – Happy birthday! I hope the day was a good one for you.

  24. Happy Birthday, and thank you for your witty (sometimes understandably cynical) and knowledgeable analyses!

  25. Happy Birthday David
    Keep speaking truth unto power, but have a well-earned day off and enjoy some cake.

  26. Hope you had a great day. Just don’t try and take the cake into the EU as it contains dairy products.

  27. Sonntagskinder sind Glückskinder! Happy Birthday! (It’s a German saying, meaning that Sunday’s children are happy/lucky children)

  28. Hope you have enjoyed your birthday DAG. Absolutely love your blog and other writings (including Tweets!). Keep them coming!

  29. Happy Birthday. I’ve always enjoyed birthdays more when they fall the same day of the week as the day I was born. But to have both same day and 50 is terrific.

  30. Hope you enjoyed your birthday David and didn’t allow anyone to blow the candles out? I recall many fond birthdays when that action wasn’t always a matter of life and death!


  31. Happy Birthday David and many repeats.
    I hugely admire your work.
    All the best for your future!

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