The president who believes himself a king

23rd February 2025

A telling joke told by the president of the United States


During the last week the president of the United States compared himself to a king.

Of course, it was intended to be a joke – not in the sense of being funny, but in the sense of saying something without any adverse consequences.

But what struck me when he said it is that this is exactly sees power: that all power – executive, legislative, judicial – flows from him, and is ultimately exercisable by him. He wants to block laws and ignore court orders at will.

As such he does see himself as an absolute ruler.

In the United Kingdom – or at least in England – the theory is that while all power flows from the Crown, it is institutionalised so that the legislature legislates (as the “Crown-in-Parliament”) and the courts adjudicate (including in the Royal Courts of Justice).


The “founding fathers” who devised the United States constitution rejected this approach – for them, the executive, legislature, judiciary each derived their powers separately from the constitution document itself – and not from the executive.

Trump’s approach is a flat contradiction to this codified constitutional arrangement.

I have written more about this over at Prospect – please click and read here.


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8 thoughts on “The president who believes himself a king”

  1. Or as Tom Paine put it alongside the US founding fathers in 1776: ‘The law is king, not the king is law’.

    1. Unfortunately Trump draws upon another alien doctrine here, this time from 2000 A.D. : “I AM THE LAW!” (apologies for shouting but it’s sort of Dredd’s didactic style)

  2. Well, in these times one lives in hope.
    The last time the americans had a king they had a revolution.
    They do say history repeats itself….

  3. The platform for this was prepared last summer when the US Supreme Court held that the president has absolute legal immunity for criminal prosecution for actions within the scope of the executive branch and outside congressional control (including, significantly, command of the military) and that there is a presumption of immunity for his other ‘official acts’. I think this is the first time since 1215 a major common law jurisdiction has formally abandoned the principle that even the king is subject to the law.

    (Although I was heartened by David’s recent article pointing out that this immunity does not extend to civil claims, so there is still at least the possibility of recourse against a president if he violates people’s rights.)

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