23rd October 2021
On the podcast I did this week I averred that commentary is overrated.
This may seem odd coming from, well, a commentator.
But then again, perhaps a commentator is well placed to realise their own lack of importance.
Many people read or listen to commentators to affirm views that they already hold.
Some do so to adopt views.
And a few may do so to challenge views – like Remainers who follow a Brexiter or vice versa.
Yet – generally – there is little a commentator can offer that an intelligent person cannot work out for themselves.
So in respect of this blog, posts like do not add a great deal.
Where commentary often adds value is when the commentator is in a special position to explain or analyse a certain thing.
So posts on this blog that take apart a case or some other document, or provide a guide to some law or policy phenomenon, can be useful.
And although such posts take time and are at a opportunity cost, such posts are far more satisfying to write.
But unless commentary adds something to a point that the reader or listener could not work out for themselves then the commentary has little value.
However much it affirms what you already think.
This is partly why there is currently a mild crisis among columnists.
Once upon a time a columnist – literally – was employed to fill a column of space in a newspaper.
As such, the columnist was a poor third behind adverts and news (and good news reporting was – and is – expensive).
A columnist would be expected to provide copy on a regular (usually weekly) basis, with each opinion lasting (say) 800 words.
And this would be regardless of whether the topic addressed was complex or simple.
But this exercise was, of course, artificial.
Not every topic warrants exactly 800 words.
And some weeks there may be more things to set out a view about, and some weeks there may not be anything worth commenting about.
There was little choice for the columnist, for that was the nature of the medium.
Same length, once a week, every week, same time every week.
Now, with the internet, there is little use for the general regular commentator.
Expert analysis and commentary is a few clicks away on any emerging topic.
A generalist has little or nothing to add.
And so that is why some columnists are giving up, and they are not being replaced.
That is also why some topics – for example the supposed ‘woke’ debate and various moral panics – get undue prominence, as they provide fodder for columnists, either for or against or tutting at both.
I commentate here on a daily basis partly for the selfish purpose of forcing myself to write every day.
I also commentate on a daily basis as it forces me to get my mind around some law and policy topic – and so it helps prevent intellectual laziness.
And, as I averred some time ago, there is perhaps a public good in setting out contemporaneous criticism of law and policy, even though law makers and policy makers disregard the criticism.
But the one motivation I do not have as a commentator is the hope and expectation of it actually ever making any practical difference.
The same old mistakes will still be made in the same old way – even if there are new labels for the follies.
So although I will carry on commentating at this blog and elsewhere (though less on Twitter), I do aver it is an overrated activity.
And I am therefore grateful to those of you who read and support this blog, as this enables me to continue doing this instead of other things (or instead of doing nothing at all).
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