They are proclaiming Magna Carta at Edinburgh Castle


19th August 2021

Time for some summer fringe fun from Edinburgh (from my Twitter feed) – but also with a serious point at the end.

[Sadly the link in the above tweet has now been deleted.]


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2 thoughts on “They are proclaiming Magna Carta at Edinburgh Castle”

  1. This all sound a bit Gatt24 to me.
    you know the WTO Rule that would have “allowed” HMG to ignore the EU for 10 Years without changing anything ( which is of course BS)
    but somebody had put it out in the Internet and so People believed it .
    And on a side note I really enjoyed your last post about the Magna Carta. I think it was a shop owner who tried to use it.

  2. Well, I doubt many of the protesters will have read clause 61 of the 1215 charter. There are plenty of versions online, but they will struggle to find it at although that website does have the 1297 version, a few small parts of which remain on the statute book for old time’s sake.

    If the protesters really were purporting to follow the terms of clause 61 (as it originally stood over 800 years ago, and even if it were still in effect, notwithstanding the pope’s almost immediate declaration that the 1215 charter was null, and void of all validity for ever, and different versions being reissued in 1216, 1217, and multiple times thereafter, and even if it ever had effect in Scotland) they would need to (i) make an alleged “offence” known to four of the 25 elected barons, (ii) ask the barons to make the offence known to the monarch (or justiciar) to demand redress, and (iii) wait 40 days before seizing any castles, lands, etc.

    So my questions would be: what is the alleged offence you wish to complain about? Who are the 25 barons currently elected under the 1215 charter, and which four of them have you informed? Have they told the monarch or the justiciar? And have you waited the required 40 days? If not, please try again.

    This pseudolegal nonsense is up there with “freeman on the land” idiocy, which tends to go badly wrong when it meets the real law.

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