Partygate and parliament: law and policy, tactics and strategy, privileges and penalties

21st April 2022


Those were an interesting few days in parliament.

We went from a government bullishly seeking to block the prime minister being investigated by the powerful committee on privileges, to supporting the opposition motion.

This government cannot even get political gangsterism right.

Great credit here should go to the opposition parties.

Faced with a law-breaking prime minister who has said – on any view – incorrect things to parliament about the facts relevant to that law-breaking, the opposition could have gone for censure motion, or a confidence motion, or a contempt motion.

And had the opposition done so, it would have been defeated – perhaps on a whipped vote.

But instead the Labour leadership put forward a motion to which no sensible member of parliament could object, and the motion even said any consideration by the privileges committee should await the end of the Metropolitan police investigation.

And the Labour chair of the privileges committee – who had been vocal in his disdain of the prime minister on this issue – said he would recuse himself, thereby removing another possible objection.

Against this tactical savviness, the government position collapsed.

First there was to be an amendment: but that went.

Then the vote was to be unwhipped: and that went.

And in the end, there was not even a vote.

The motion went through on the nod.

Let’s just think about that.

A motion of the house of commons that a sitting prime minister should be investigated by the privileges committee in respect of four statements he made in the house about the circumstances of that law breaking went through – and not a single member of parliament opposed it.

Of course: asking for an investigation is one thing – and the committee may well not find the prime minister in contempt.

But – in and of itself – that such a motion should go through without any objection is remarkable.

One reason for the opposition’s tactical success is that Conservative members of parliament do not want another situation like with Owen Paterson – where they were whipped to frustrate a report, only for the position to be reversed in front of their eyes.

Another reason is that – as this blog has previously averred – a parliamentary majority is no barrier to Nemesis following Hubris.

Other prime ministers in command of working majorities have been brought down before between elections – Thatcher, Blair – and so there is no reason this one cannot be either.

A privileges committee investigation is a serious matter, as they have the power to recommend suspensions from the house.

Another investigation – following the Sue Gray and metropolitan investigations – will also keep this issue alive – and that is, no doubt, the strategic goal of the opposition.

The constitutional Wednesday Addams in any of us can only smile at all of this not going away.


What is happening here is – in effect – a parliamentary stress-test, an anxious examination of our constitutional arrangements.

What do you do with a law-breaking prime minister who has misled the house of commons?

Can this be checked and balanced?

The answer to this should not be a civil servant’s report – however independently minded the civil servant.

Nor should it be a decision by the police to issue a penalty, or not.

It is – rightly – a matter for parliament.

And this week’s deft parliamentary footwork by Labour and the other opposition parties has ensured that there will be a parliamentary answer to this particular parliamentary question.


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The trial of Jesus of Nazareth

Good Friday, 2022

As a non-militant atheist, Easter has no special religious significance to me, but it always makes me think about the trial and punishment of Jesus of Nazareth.

We have no contemporaneous court records for that trial and punishment, just as we do not really have such records for anyone else who was tried and executed at that time – that is not a surprise.

What we do have are very early traditions that there was such a trial and punishment.

Here is, for example, Tacitus writing in the early 100s about the Roman fire of about fifty years before:

“Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus…”.

We also have records of what Roman and Jewish procedural and substantive law was at the time, though nothing about how it was applied (or not applied) in this particular case.

And we have the gospel accounts and the letters in the New Testament.

The fascinating and striking thing about the gospel accounts of the trial of Jesus of Nazareth is how secular the story is: little or nothing rests on any miracles or divine interventions from arrest to punishment.

It is just one thing after another in almost entirely human terms.

It could be a normal procedural legal drama.

The gospel accounts seek to explain the relationship between the reasons for his arrest, the manner of his trial, and the imposition of a sanction.

One day, as with other historical trials, I would like to write about this case.

(I was once asked to write an article about the trial, and I never completed it as I could not make up my mind on various aspects of the applicable law and procedure.)

And what would be nice about writing something substantial is that as nothing really rests on any miracles or divine interventions in the story of the trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth, nothing in such an examination will ‘prove’ or ‘disprove’ the truth of what Christians believe.

It should be possible to write a detailed examination of the trial which would satisfy Christians and non-Christians.

Had the gospel writers intended for their accounts of the the trial and execution of Jesus of Nazareth to require a belief in the possibility of miracles or divine interventions then they would have not have written such secular narratives.

Instead, by setting out this dramatic story in secular terms, the gospel writers ensured that those of us who are not Christians are able to fully engage with the story.

Some will doubt or deny that the figure of Jesus of Nazareth ever existed or whether he was even tried or executed.

But given in the gospel accounts no miracles or divine interventions are claimed about the trial and imposition of the punishment, we are not trying to explain (away) anything extraordinary.

Extraordinary claims, of course, need extraordinary evidence: but there is little extraordinary in the gospel accounts of the trial or the imposition of the punishment.

The sources may be inaccurate or incomplete (or conflicting) – but they are not fantastic.

And given there are early traditions of a trial and execution – even if not of other events in the life of Jesus – then it would seem perverse to insist that it cannot have happened and was a later invention.

There is also, of course, the complicated issue of how the writers of the books of the New Testament sought to allocate responsibility for the arrest, the trial(s) and the execution as between Romans and non-Romans.

So: what do you think?

What is your view, regardless of your ultimate religious position, of the trial of Jesus of Nazareth?


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Boris Johnson’s Triple-Whammy of Unlawfulness

12th April 2022

Constitutional law is not supposed to be interesting.

Constitutional law is supposed to be boring.

And Boris Johnson could not make it any more exciting.

To take three examples.

First, the Supreme Court held that he gave unlawful advice to the Queen over prorogation of parliament.

(An incident that managed to engage all four of the monarch, parliament, the courts and the executive – the constitutional law equivalent of a full house.)

Second, his government actually introduced legislation to Parliament to enable it to break the law.

(Just typing that seems strange – but it happened, although the government averred that the law would be broken in a “limited and specific” way.)

And now, an even more extraordinary thing has happened.

The prime minister has been found by the metropolitan police to have broken this governments own laws on gatherings under lockdown.

And the necessary implication of this sanction is that the prime minister knowingly misled parliament when denying such a gathering took place.

He cannot even say he was misinformed, as he was at the gathering himself.


Johnson has not been prime minister a long time, and there are many prime ministers who have been in office far longer with far less constitutional excitement.

Of course he should resign – but that is not the point of this blogpost.

The point instead is to convey the sheer magnitude of what Johnson has ‘accomplished’ in his trashing of constitutional norms – and in under three years..

Just one of the above examples – and there have been many more, it is just those three came readily to mind – would be career-ending for a politician in any normal political system.

And that even now nobody knows if he will resign is an indication of how abnormal politics are at the moment.

It takes a certain quality for a prime minister in three years to contrive this triple-whammy of unlawfulness.

Indeed, it is difficult to conceive what he could still yet do as a fourth instalment.

Brace, brace.


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A balancing exercise in action – Chris Mullin defeats a disclosure request in respect of the Birmingham pub bombings

23rd March 2022

I was born and brought up in the Birmingham of the 1970s, and like many others I had family and family friends who could well have been killed in the Birmingham pub bombings.

There is a powerful public interest in that crime being properly investigated and those guilty being convicted.

Six innocent men were convicted for the bombings, and their prosecution and punishments was an appalling miscarriage of justice, perhaps one of the worst miscarriages of justice in English legal history.

There was a powerful public interest in that miscarriage of justice being exposed and corrected.

And the journalist (and later politician) Chris Mullin was the one who did most to expose and correct that miscarriage of justice.

What happens when two powerful public interests such as the above collide?

That was the issue before the recorder of London at the Old Bailey.

On one hand, those police officers investigating the bombings want access to materials held by Mullin.

You can see why the police would want this – especially if it would contain direct evidence that would aid a successful prosecution.

But that does not necessarily mean the police should get it.

The reason is that the material which Mullin holds was given to him on the basis of confidentiality, so that he could expose the miscarriage of justice.

Without that assurance to his source, Mullin would not have been given that information, and without that information the miscarriage of justice would not have been exposed.

And so the public interest in exposing that miscarriage of justice would have been defeated.

In a detailed and fascinating judgment, the judge shows how the competing – indeed contrasting – public interests in this case should be balanced.

And in a compelling conclusion the judge holds that in this case there should not be an order for disclosure of the material.

It is unfortunate that this means that any prosecution of those guilty of the bombings will not be assisted by this material – but such a prosecution should not be at the cost of undermining the public interest in exposing a miscarriage of justice.

Not only is the judgment compelling, it also is another recent example of a judge taking Article 10 of the ECHR and the right to free expression seriously.

It is a good judgment in a difficult case, and it is recommended reading for anyone interested in practical law and policy.


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What is SLAPP?

22nd March 2022

Sometimes I give blogposts the wrong titles.

Yesterday, the post here had the title: Is there a SLAPP problem in the English courts?

This is a good – and urgent – question.

The problem was that the post did not answer the question, and instead it set out some preliminary views about SLAPP – that is an acronym for ‘strategic litigation against public participation’.

What I should have done before setting out these preliminary views was to explain SLAPP – and I am sorry I did not do so.

Some people even told me on Twitter that they had to google ‘SLAPP’ so as to understand my post.

This post seeks to remedy the deficiency of yesterday’s post.


SLAPP is a term to describe the misuse of the litigation process for the purpose of minimising or eliminating public and media scrutiny.

It is an American term and it appears to date from 1996.

There have been, in turn, various anti-SLAPP laws in America.

The reason why SLAPP is now seen as an issue here is a spate of illiberal legal claims brought (or threatened) in the High Court in London which appear to have the ulterior motive of minimising or eliminating public and media scrutiny – in particular scrutiny of various oligarchs and foreign corporations.

The United Kingdom government has just announced that it is considering introducing anti-SLAPP laws here and it has put out the a call for evidence on SLAPP.

The government describes SLAPP as follows:

“The term SLAPPs is commonly used to describe activity that aims to discourage public criticism through an improper use of the legal system. SLAPPs have two key features:

• They target acts of public participation. Public participation can include academic research, journalism and whistle-blowing activity concerned with matters of societal importance, such as illicit finance or corruption.

• They aim to prevent information in the public interest from being published. This can be by threatening or bringing proceedings which often feature excessive claims.”

Another word for this phenomenon is the splendid portmanteau ‘lawfare’.


Now that I have set out a defintion of the term, do have another look at yesterday’s post – which I have now re-titled.

You will see that I aver that although SLAPP is a pejorative and contested term, it is also a useful term as long as you bear its limitations in mind.

In further posts on this blog I am going to look at some recent cases that have been described as SLAPP cases so as to answer the following questions:

1. Is there really a SLAPP problem in the English courts?

2. If so, what is the nature of that problem?

3. And if it is a problem, is it a problem capable of being solved?

I think it is important to ground any consideration of reform in an understanding of actual examples, else one can end up with a mismatch between proposals and problems.

For such a mismatch is what happened, in my view, with the campaign which led to the Defamation Act 2013, where the eventual legislation that was passed would have done little or nothing in respect of the various poster-cases on which the campaign relied.

(With my old Jack of Kent blog I was part of the early part of that campaign for libel reform, though I had and have concerns about the law that was finally enacted.)

Whether there is an actual SLAPP problem and, if so, whether it can be solved is a key issue for our legal system and how that system impacts on public debate.

I would like this blog – with its posts and excellent commenters – to be part of informing the debate on that issue.

I am sorry my post yesterday was running before it was walking – and I hope this further post has put that right.


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Two reasons why today’s ‘Reclaim these Streets’ high court decision is significant

11th March 2022

The ‘Reclaim these Streets’ decision was handed down by the High Court today.

In a welcome judgment, it was held by the High Court that the Metropolitan Police had acted unlawfully in respect of blanket banning a vigil during lockdown.

The ruling is detailed and thorough, but on the first reading there are two points that seem worth making.

First, the court placed the police decision-making under anxious scrutiny.

This was instead of the court’s usual deference to police decision making – where the long arm of the law is kept at more than arm’s length.

This is refreshing approach instead of the more familiar nodding-along by judges at police conduct.

Second, and just as refreshing, the court took the legal right to freedom of expression  – under Article 10 of the ECHR – seriously.

This was rather than the common lip-service paid by judges – who invariably mention free expression rights only to allow them to be interfered with.


This must have been a challenging case to bring, to prepare for and to argue, and so there should be considerable credit for the applicants and their legal team for doing so.

Indeed – in getting the court to overcome its traditional deference to the police and in getting that court to then take free expression rights seriously – it is difficult to imagine a harder such case to fight and to win.

Well done to all who were involved.


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How you can be sued for libel for reporting things said in Parliament

10th March 2022

On 9 March 2022 the following was stated by Bob Seely MP in the House of Commons:

What Seely said is set out on the ‘They Work For You’ website:

And it has been published in Hansard:

What has struck many about what Seely said is that reporting parliamentary debates could be actionable under the law of defamation.

Surely, some thought, reporting what is said in parliament has absolute privilege – that is legal protection – from any law suit.


The legal position is not straightforward – though you may think it should be.

And the unsettling answer is that you can be sued for reporting things said in parliament.


First there needs to be a distinction.

What MPs and peers themselves say in parliament does have absolute privilege.

This protection is provided by the Bill of Rights:

“`That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament.”

From time to time, (ahem) spirited lawyers do threaten parliamentarians in respect of things said in parliament (here is a 2010 example) – but the lawyers should not do so, `and any legal claim would fail.

(The position is less clear-cut for witnesses at select committee hearings – but that is a topic for another time.)

This means there is nothing that a law firm can do with a legal threat to Seely or any other parliamentarian about what they say in parliamentary proceedings.

The MP or peer has absolute privilege – though there are rules in both houses of parliament about what can and cannot be said about certain matters – and those rules are not justiciable in court.



Those reporting – or indeed repeating – what is said in parliament do not have this same absolute protection.

The protection is instead ‘qualified’ – and so is subject to a condition.

This condition is (in general terms) that the report – or other repetition – is not malicious.

(This condition is the general effect of the august Parliamentary Papers Act 1840 and the Defamation Act 1996.)

This therefore means a person can be sued for defamation (and perhaps for other things) for reporting or repeating what is said in parliament when in doing so they acting maliciously.

The onus is on the claimant to show this malice.

So this means that a potential claimant can sue – and thereby threaten to sue – a person who is reporting or repeating what is said in parliament.

The potential claimant and their lawyers would have to meet a high threshold if there were to issue such a claim and demonstrate malice – and it may be that they will fail to do so.

But nothing at law stops them issuing the threats.


How this all should work in an internet age where footage from parliament TV can be captured and circulated instantly is not clear.

For example I would not publish the footage of Seely above until and unless I saw it reported in Hansard, as I would want the protection of the 1840 Act.


There is the eternal question of what constitutes ‘malice’.



And there is also a question about whether lawyers for potential claimants can make over-stated libel threats when they have no evidence of malice.

As Professor Richard Moorhead explains there are general professional conduct rules about what can and cannot be in a threatening letter from a law firm:

The Solicitors Regulatory Authority states the following about solicitors’ professional duties in respect of disputes:

In essence – libel claimant lawyers cannot (and should not) threaten legal proceedings lightly – and if they do, there can be professional repercussions for those lawyers.


Perhaps there should be further protections.

For example: in respect of infringements to registered intellectual property rights (eg trade marks and patents), the Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017 prevents lawyers from making baseless threats.

Perhaps this should be extended to defamation threats.

And barristers and solicitors are under general professional obligations not to allege fraud without satisfactory evidence.

Presumably it would not be impossible for a similar rule to prevent baseless defamation threats, especially where there is no evidence of malice.


None of the above suggests – or is intended to suggest – that any particular claimant firm is making such baseless threats.

Instead the above points to the protections that those receiving the threats have (or should have) so as to be confident that such threats are not baseless.

And it also points to the high hurdle that any claimant firm needs to meet so as to allege malice when making such a threat.


We do have the gap in the law between absolute privilege for parliamentarians and only qualified privilege for those outside who report and repeat what those parliamentarians say.

It is a gap which in my view should be filled, and one which is not sensible (or sustainable) in the internet age.

But it is gap that has not yet been filled.

And so yes – as Seely said, it is possible for a law firm to threaten newspapers and others for what is said in parliament.


For completeness, this is not a new problem either for parliamentarians or for those reporting on what they say.

Those with good memories will recall the Trafigura matter – which was not about defamation but confidentiality – where a member of parliament said something which seemed to be subject to (and thereby in breach of) a court injunction.

(And to demonstrate my own personal lack of malice – this is a link to how Trafigura’s lawyer saw what happened.)

So none of this is a new issue – and it is one that goes to the very essence of a separation of powers.


Disclosure: I happen to be a qualified solicitor, and I still help clients facing libel and other claims, and so this post is informed by that experience.


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A government should not be able to deprive people of possessions and property by mere ministerial diktat

3rd March 2022

Yesterday’s short post turned out to be rather popular, with a number of informed and insightful comments.

(Perhaps that is a hint that I should keep these blogposts succinct!)

The question puzzling me today is whether those clamouring for United Kingdom sanctions against oligarchs realise that it is not a good thing for the government to have summary powers to deprive individuals of possessions and other property.

When the government uses summary powers, say, to deport members of the Windrush generation, or to remove a person’s British citizenship, then liberal rightly are concerned.

Individuals have rights, and there are things no person or group may do to them, without violating their rights.

And if all individuals have rights, and oligarchs are individuals, then it follows that oligarchs have rights.

These rights may not be absolute – and property rights especially can be subject to interferences by the state.

But such interferences need to have a lawful and reasonable basis and follow due process.

And this is the same for oligarchs, as it is for anyone else.

That the government cannot just deprive people of possessions and property by mere ministerial diktat is not a bad thing in a liberal society.

And those who clap and cheer at the prospect of possessions and property being taken by the state without any lawful and reasonable basis, and without due process, should be careful what they wish for.


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Public interest litigation against public bodies

16th February 2022

There are two ways by which those with public power will act lawfully.

The first is self-restraint: that ministers and officials will act lawfully because, in essence, they want to do so.

The second is by enforcement: that ministers and officials who act unlawfully are open to challenge in the courts and can also face action from the police or other regulatory bodies.

So: if not the first, then the second.

But hopefully the first, which is better for everyone, apart from public law litigators.

The problem is what happens when ministers and officials do not care for self-restraint?

Then we have to go to the second stage, all too quickly.

But then there are new problems.

Who decides, for example, which cases to litigate?

How are those challenges to be financed?

And what if there is nobody in a position to litigate a case?

What is there – ultimately – to stop lawless behaviour by those with public power?

These questions are important – and they are not easy to answer.

One solution is to have non-governmental organisations litigate these cases, in the public interest.

But this brings new problems.

Pressure groups can have their own agendas – and some see litigation as an aid to fundraising and campaigning, rather than a thing in itself.

(When I was legal adviser to a pressure group party to a case that went all the way to the supreme court, I was careful to ensure that there was not a whiff of any ulterior motive and that the focus – correctly – was on the litigation.)

Too many pressure groups litigating elides the distinctions between politics and law.

And some may be tempted to blame the pressure groups.


That is to partly see the problem the wrong way round.

The primary reason why so many non-governmental organisations are litigating is because of problems with those with public power.

The pressure groups in court are (at least) as much a consequence of poor quality policy-making and rule-making by ministers and officials.

In essence: better quality policy and rule-making will mean fewer subsequent legal challenges by pesky pressure groups.

But that would mean ministers and officials facing up to their own failings.

And it so much more easy to blame the pressure groups instead.


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A “nice” parliament?

1st February 2022

Today the speaker of the House of Commons said he would like parliament to be “nice”.

For this, and for insights generally, listen to this clip to the end:

Like courts, parliament is a place for conflict and for those conflicts to be resolved.

And, again like courts, parliament has developed conventions and an etiquette for smoothing the jagged edges of that conflict.

“The honourable member” is the parliamentary equivalent of “my learned friend”.

Courts – at least civil courts – have also rules on when a person can be accused of dishonesty.

It is not an allegation that can be made by a lawyer lightly.

But it is an allegation that can, if there is evidence, be made in certain circumstances.

In parliament an allegation of dishonesty cannot be made – at least in debate.

An allegation of dishonesty has instead to be made in a substantive motion – see the commentary here.

As the historian Robert Saunders avers, this rule against accusing in debate other members of parliament of dishonesty was part of a wider understanding:

So we now have the ridiculous situation where nothing practical can be done to stop the Prime Minister – or any other member of parliament – from being dishonest…

…and if another member of parliament – grandstanding or otherwise) points this out in debate, it is that other member of parliament that is thrown out of the house of commons.

One can understand how the rules of the house of commons came to end up like this.

But that does not make the rules seem any less daft.

The solution, however, is not “niceness”.

Politeness, yes, and decorum and respect – just as courts (usually) have politeness and decorum.

But courts – while usually calm and polite and respectful – are not “nice”.

Courts can be places of horrible and raw human drama and conflict, where often difficult decisions have to be made that will, in turn, often ruin the lives of the parties involved.

To regard them as “nice” is to confuse form with substance.

A parliament also has to deal with often difficult decisions that will ruin – or even end – the lives of people at home and abroad, sometimes millions of people.

A parliament is a place of conflict and high tension – with immense consequences for real people.

As such, like a court, it is sensible to take off the rough edges of conduct and vocabulary, so as to take the heat and aggression out of exchanges.

But the underlying tensions will still be there – and these tensions need to be recognised if they are to be resolved.

Those tensions cannot be cured by “niceness” – and, indeed, a refusal to recognise those tensions risks turning those tensions into contradictions.

And that will not help anybody.


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