9th June 2022
Something odd – and worrying – is happening.
Of course, there are always odd and worrying things happening – increasingly in the area of law and policy.
But this is a rather odd and very worrying thing.
It is the curious incident of the government’s legal advice on its forthcoming proposal for the Northern Irish Protocol.
But to understand why what is happening is just so very odd and very worrying, we need to go back in time and also to understand how legal advice works in government.
The current government of the United Kingdom does not like the Northern Irish Protocol of the Brexit withdrawal agreement.
This is itself odd, as it is the same government, with the very same Prime Minister, that changed the previous policy on this, negotiated and signed the agreement, sought and obtained a general election mandate for the agreement, and pushed it through into domestic legislation.
The current government, and our Prime Minister Boris Johnson, could not have done more to go from scratch in putting the Northern Irish Protocol in place.
But they have come now to regret this once “oven-ready” agreement.
And they would like it to change.
The problem, of course, is that it takes all parties to an agreement to change an agreement – and the counter-party here is the European Union, and it does not want to change the agreement.
So what is the United Kingdom government to do?
The government tried – remarkably – to break the law,
It is astonishing to type this, and it should be astonishing for you to read this, but that is what the government sought to do, openly and expressly.
The breach was framed – you may remember – as breaking law “in a very specific and limited way”.
The Advocate General – a government law officer – resigned, as did the government’s own most senior legal official, the Treasury Solicitor.
They were right to do so – it was an extraordinary and preposterous thing for the government to do: an outrage, constitutionally and otherwise.
The government did not go ahead with this ploy.
The government learned its lesson.
The lesson was never to openly and expressly state that you were intending to break the law, either “in a very specific and limited way” or otherwise.
Since that botched approach the government has been very careful to say that what it is proposing does not break the law.
What the government actually wants to do, in substance, has not changed.
But now it wants to have legal cover for what it wants to do: to be able to say that a thing is lawful and not unlawful.
And under that cover, you can see through the fabric ever more desperate contortions and distortions.
Within the government there will be those insisting that there has to be “sign off” on the legalities of what is being proposed.
It is similar in this way to the attempts within government to get legal cover for the Iraq invasion, which led to the resignation of the senior government lawyer Elizabeth Wilmshurst – her resignation letter is here.
You may recall how the legal advice within government was then being chopped and changed until the advice was what the then Prime Minister Tony Blair and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw were happy with and also satisfied service chiefs and senior civil servants who wanted legal sign-off.
What happened behind the scenes came out at the Iraq Inquiry:
The Chilcot Inquiry concluded that the “circumstances in which it was ultimately decided that there was a legal basis for UK participation were far from satisfactory”.
You will see from the BBC report above, the government was shopping around for the legal advice that it wanted – because it did not like the advice of the responsible government lawyer.
In the end the then Attorney-General Lord Goldsmith managed to provide (that is, concoct) the advice the government wanted, instead of the advice of the relevant government lawyer.
And although that was a Labour government, as opposed to the current Conservative government, there was an important lesson learned and committed to institutional memory.
The lesson learned was that it is better not to shop around for new, alternative advice if you can say that you have not had adverse advice in the first place.
Now let me introduce you to the Devil.
That is, the “Treasury Devil” – the nickname for First Treasury Counsel.
The late great legal blogger (and, ahem, former appeals judge) Sir Henry Brooke did this fine post on this role – which you should now click on and read.
In essence, the Treasury Devil is an external senior barrister who is activated when the government has a Really Serious Legal Problem.
Usually, this means going to court to represent the government in the most difficult and serious legal challenges.
Or it can mean advising in advance when a difficult and serious legal challenge is foreseeable.
The Treasury Devil is the legal cross between Winston Wolf and Mycroft Holmes.
He or she solves the government’s trickiest legal problems, or sits there and advises the government how best to deal with those problems in advance.
Some of the greatest judges were once Treasury Devils: Lord Slynn, Lord Woolf and Sir John Laws, as well as one member of the current Supreme Court, Lord Sales.
(I happen to be a former government lawyer, and I know of one instance where an impending legal problem was put before the Treasury Devil well before there was any litigation.)
Referring such a matter to the Treasury Devil is not routine – it is exceptional.
But it is a thing (despite what some other commentators asserted).
Indeed, when it is as plain as a pikestaff that something important will be challenged – perhaps all the way to the Supreme Court – then it is a very prudent thing.
That sometimes the Devil will be consulted on potential legislation has been affirmed by a well-regarded expert on legislation:
The current Treasury Devil is Sir James Eadie.
And you can see some of this Devil’s handiwork here.
Now, back to the Northern Irish Protocol.
Recently, a post on this blog set out an interesting shift in rhetoric from the current Foreign Secretary:
The Foreign Secretary had said:
“That is why I am announcing our intention to introduce legislation in the coming weeks to make changes to the Protocol.
“Our preference remains a negotiated solution with the EU.
“In parallel with the legislation being introduced, we remain open to further talks if we can achieve the same outcome through negotiated settlement. […]
“The Government is clear that proceeding with the Bill is consistent with our obligations in international law – and in support of our prior obligations in the Belfast Good Friday Agreement.”
In other words, the government was now to ‘comply’ with international law.
Applying the first of the lessons set out above, the government was now going to be lawful, not unlawful.
They had found a way to call what they wanted to do lawful.
The source of this advice?
This was revealed by the Times:
The Times reported:
“The attorney-general has approved the scrapping of large parts of the Northern Ireland Brexit deal amid mounting cabinet divisions over the plan, The Times has been told.
“Suella Braverman has advised that legislation to override the Northern Ireland protocol would be legal because the EU’s implementation of it is “disproportionate and unreasonable”.
“In evidence accompanying her findings, Braverman says that the EU is undermining the Good Friday agreement by creating a trade barrier in the Irish Sea and fuelling civil unrest.
“Her submission argues that the agreement has “primordial significance” and is more important than the protocol. “There’s mountains of evidence that there’s a trade barrier down the middle of our country,” said a government source. “Suella has argued that trade is being diverted.”
“Her submission also details “societal unrest” and cites hoax bomb attacks, including one targeting Simon Coveney, the Irish foreign minister. “There are increasing signs of violence in Northern Ireland,” the source said. “That can’t be allowed to carry on.”
Suella Braverman, the Lord Goldsmith of her generation, had found a way.
Some of the vocabulary in the Times report is not strictly accurate – what is being described is reasoning and advice, not evidence or submissions – but it would appear that the newspaper had sight of the advice.
Internal, legally privileged advice had been leaked.
The desired legal advice was now in place, and the government could now do what it wanted to do anyway with the Northern Irish Protocol.
There was one thing which could ruin this exercise in political and legal expediency.
Applying the second lesson set out above, the government needed this to be the only legal advice in town.
Whitehall was not going to be big enough for more than one advice, given the speed with which the government wanted to proceed.
A second opinion – usually helpful – would be most unhelpful to the government.
There would not be enough time to do what Goldsmith had once managed to do with the unwelcome foreign office advice.
Like the final scenes of a situation comedy, those in government would be desperate that somebody else was not asked certain questions.
Now we come to this week’s news.
Again internal government legal correspondence and advice has somehow found itself into the public domain.
More internal, legally privileged advice had been leaked.
.@politicshome understands, as @SamCoatesSky reports, that First Treasury Counsel James Eadie was *not* consulted by government on the legality of the Protocol legislation
Eadie would be expected to be asked for his opinion on such a high-profile & consequential bill – v unusual
— Adam Payne (@adampayne26) June 7, 2022
Payne (a fine political journalist but not a legal specialist) may not be entirely correct here – for as set out above, the Devil is not consulted routinely on legislation.
But if something big was afoot, it would not be unusual for somebody somewhere in senior government to suggest that this is a matter for First Treasury Counsel.
Especially as Eadie had acted in much of the relevant litigation to date and would be expected to act in court as and when the new proposals were challenged.
Payne’s news report at Politics Home is as follows:
“Correspondence seen by PoliticsHome has cast doubt over the government’s argument that its plan to override parts of the post-Brexit treaty without an agreement with the European Union would not breach international law.
“The government insists that this would not break international law. Suella Braverman, the attorney general, approved the plan having concluded that it was legal, The Times reported last month. When unveiling the plan to parliament, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said “we are very clear that this is legal in international law and we will be setting out our legal position in due course”.
“But in the leaked correspondence, a senior figure advising the government on legal matters says they hold the view that it cannot be “credibly” argued on legal grounds there is currently no alternative to unilaterally disapplying the treaty, and that it is “very difficult” for the ministers to make that case.
“They add they find that position “more convincing” than the view put forward by Braverman and others that the government was on solid legal footing in pursuing unilateral steps.”
Sam Coates, another fine political journalist, reported at Sky:
“…Sky News is told that the First Treasury Counsel, the government’s independent barrister on nationally important legal issues, has not been consulted on the question of whether the plans to overhaul the Northern Ireland Protocol will break international law.
“He is nevertheless understood to have indicated he believes it will be very hard for the UK to argue it is not breaching international law if it goes ahead with some of the moves under consideration.”
“Last night Sky News reported that the First Treasury Counsel, the government’s independent barrister on nationally important legal issues, was not asked to give his opinion on whether imminent plans to overhaul the Northern Ireland Protocol would break international law.
“Sir James Eadie was consulted about the forthcoming legislation.
“However – in a highly unusual and possibly unprecedented move – he was asked not to give a specific legal opinion on whether the plan would breach international law.
“For the first time we can set out in detail what Sir James said.
“Eadie starts by confirming that the government has received advice from an array of other lawyers about the international legal issue raised by the planned protocol legislation.
“He goes on to say that he has been asked only to “assume” there is a respectable legal basis on which to support the arguments made by the other lawyers.
“He says he is happy to comply with this request – “I do so,” he writes – but then adds “I am not asked to opine on the merits of those views”.
“Sky News understands it is extremely rare for the First Treasury Counsel not to be consulted on an issue such as this, and be directed by government to rely on the opinion of others.
“However Eadie’s agreement to do as directed – and rely on the view of other lawyers – allows the government to say he was consulted more generally and is on board with the plan.
“Inconveniently, however, he is understood to have then volunteered a view in his submission: that he found the argument of one particular lawyer advising government “considerably easier to follow and more convincing”.
“The lawyer he cites says that it would be “very difficult” for the UK to argue it is not “breaching international law”.”
What appears to have happened is as follows: the government got its convenient advice from the current Attorney General; somebody insisted that this still had to be referred to First Treasury Counsel; a clever compromise was reached where it would be referred to Eadie on the basis of certain assumptions, so as not to undermine the convenient legal advice; and the Devil, while accepting those assumptions, provided an unhelpful view on the merits of those assumptions.
This is hilarious.
And it is now a mess.
One significant issue here is not that the Devil was not formally consulted – it is rare for First Treasury Counsel to be involved in pending legislation.
It would not normally be a snub.
The significant point is that for Eadie’s name and position to be even mentioned in this leaked correspondence can only mean there is almighty row going on in government over the legality of these proposals.
Somebody senior internally is insisting that First Treasury Counsel be consulted, and that the Attorney General’s convenient advice cannot be accepted on the nod.
And not only has somebody senior insisted on this – they are so senior (or important) that they have partially got their way, and what looks like compromise instructions were then given for the First Treasury Counsel for advice.
We now have the extraordinary situation that there is convenient legal advice and also very serious grounds for doubting that advice (though not formally competing advice, because of the assumptions).
This is the worst of both worlds – for at least in the Goldsmith/Wood situation above, there could be and was a decision to prioritise one advice over another.
Here there is only one advice, and it is dubious – with no less than the Treasury Devil saying so.
And now, there has even been an urgent question in Parliament.
Also confirmed:
Urgent question from @amcarmichaelMP: "To ask the Minister for the Cabinet Office if he will make a statement on requests made to the First Treasury Counsel to assess government proposals to override the Northern Ireland Protocol."
— UK House of Commons (@HouseofCommons) June 9, 2022
The government is hiding behind a convention of legal privilege that it has already undermined by giving incomplete and inaccurate information to MPs in order to assert that its position is legal. The legal advice must be published, in full. https://t.co/E3Cs8lrbKI
— Alistair Carmichael MP (@amcarmichaelMP) June 9, 2022
The government minister said – with a straight face – that despite the several leaks in this matter, the government does not by convention usually disclose legal advice.
What we have are leaks of the Attorney General’s advice and leaks of the seeming compromise advice from the Treasury Devil, which casts serious and significant doubt on the Attorney General’s advice.
The supposed legal cover has, well, had its cover blown.
The government has now placed itself in a difficult position – by its own shenanigans.
It must have seemed such a good idea to get legal cover in this way – but it has now created a situation where somebody is in a position to leak legally privileged advice indicating there is an utter mess internally.
This is where a misconceived, seemingly clever way of getting legal cover gets you.
The true political problem here isn’t that First Treasury Counsel was not consulted in respect of the new proposals for the Northern Irish Protocol.
The problem is that the government tried to go out of its way not to consult First Treasury Counsel when somebody with sufficient clout insisted on it, and then the government only did so with “assumptions” so as to limit the scope of the advice.
And now it seems the government wants to suppress and disregard the First Treasury Counsel’s serious doubts as to legality.
This is an extraordinary situation.
When news broke about the Eadie advice, I tweeted that this was an extraordinary and potentially highly significant and worrying development.
Some wrongly took the development to which I referred to be that Eadie had not been consulted.
The extraordinary and potentially highly significant and worrying development is that Eadie was involved at all, was being mentioned in internal emails as an alternative source of advice, and that we knew any of this about it.
That there are serious rows inside government, botched attempts to get legal cover, and frequent leaking of privileged advice is very worrying indeed.
Something odd is happening.
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