No, Brexit cannot be ‘annulled’ or ‘cancelled’

14th August 2021

There are a couple of tweets on Twitter that are being heavily retweeted and liked saying that because of some court case or another, Brexit can be ‘annulled’ or ‘cancelled’.

These tweets are false – and those earnestly retweeting and liking the tweets are being given false hope.

The tweets are by knaves – accounts that either do or should know better.

And those knaves are taking those opposed to Brexit for fools.

There is a fancy that it is only the likes of Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings and Nigel Farage and other Brexiters lie about Brexit.

But lies – and liars – are on the Remain side too.

And one can hardly complain about ‘fake news’ and ‘post-truth’ when one is also happily promoting social media posts that say false things that you want to believe are true.

That is not the opposite of Trump-like politics – but its application.

Brexit is a historical and legal fact.

There is no mechanism by which any court anywhere could order Brexit to be undone.

There is no court order that can undo Brexit.

There is no court of competent jurisdiction that can undo Brexit.

The only way the United Kingdom can (re)join the European Union is by the process under Article 49 (the one that comes before Article 50).

And such an application, if it is ever made, will not be quick – not least that the European Union would want to see a settled political consensus in the United Kingdom in favour of (re)joining.

It will be a slow slog – and may not even be in the lifetime of many reading this post.

Fantasy, of course, is more appealing for a supporter of the United Kingdom than this dull, distant prospect.

But that is all that these knavish tweets and tweeters are offering: fantasy.

Not all lies are written on the side of a big red bus.


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The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill does not do a lot – but the little it does do should be welcomed

9th August 2021

Over at the Times there is a news report about the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill currently before parliament.


One response to this news is to doubt that cabinet ministers are sentient beings.

But that would be silly.


The bill is worth looking at, both for what it does and what it does not do.

The six-clause bill – with three operative clauses – does very little.

Clause one provides for an ‘Animal Sentience Committee’ to be established and maintained.

There is, of course, no need for primary or indeed any legislation for a committee to be formed.

Committees can be formed and dissolved informally in central government.

Clause two provides that the committee ‘may’ (not ‘shall’ or ‘must’) produce and publish reports on which government policies might (not necessarily will) have ‘an adverse effect on the welfare of animals as sentient beings’.

The committee also ‘may’ (again not ‘shall’ or ‘must’) make recommendations for how the government may have ‘all due regard to the ways in which the policy might have an adverse effect on the welfare of animals as sentient beings’.

Again, this is weak stuff – the committee would have no legal obligation to produce any reports or recommendations at all.

The bill certainly does not place a direct statutory duty on departments to have ‘all due regard to the ways in which [a] policy might have an adverse effect on the welfare of animals as sentient beings’.

(Though such a duty should, in my view, exist.)

Clause three – the last of the operative clauses – is the one where there is (slight) legal kick.

When a report is published, the government ‘must’ (and not only ‘may’) lay a response before parliament within three months.

The government’s response may be in the barest terms, just saying the report and any recommendations are noted, and it will have discharged its duty.

And that is it.

That is all the bill does.


On the face of it, there is nothing in the bill that warrants the response of some ministers as described in the Times article.

In particular, there is little formal scope for anything to be ‘hijacked’ by ‘activists’.

And even if the committee were to publish a critical report packed with ambitious recommendations, there is nothing which would legally oblige the government to do anything different from what it would want to do anyway.

The bill (like the international aid legislation and other examples) is not especially substantial legislation.

One is not surprised that the government’s website says that the bill is ‘enshrining sentience in domestic law’.

That word: ‘enshrining’.




Perhaps because of my own bias (as a supporter of animal rights), I think there is something to be said for this legislation, weak as it is.

Even if there is no legal obligation on the government to follow any recommendations, it does oblige the government to publicly address any report and thereby any recommendations.

That obligation may turn out in practice to be as ultimately ineffective as the similar obligation on the government to report on why it is not complying with the international aid target.

It is, however, better than nothing.

It forces some accountability.

This duty being placed on a statutory basis makes it a little more difficult for the government to ignore any concerns altogether, which would be the case if the proposal had not statutory basis at all.


The definition employed by the bill for animals – a lovely piece of drafting – is that ‘“animal” means any vertebrate other than homo sapiens’.

This is perhaps a little problematic – as there are invertibrates that are sentient and indeed highly intelligent (as this blog has recently discussed).

As Peter Godfrey-Smith sets out in his outstanding book Other Minds: The Octopus, The Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness:

‘If we can make contact with cephalopods as sentient beings, it is not because of a shared history, not because of kinship, but because evolution built minds twice over.

‘This is probably the closest we will come to meeting an intelligent alien.’

The bill however provides that ‘invertebrates of any description’ can be added to the category of sentient animals by a secretary of state, spineless or otherwise.


Usually I would be disdainful of such gesture-based ‘enshrining’ legislation – and I am sceptical about much of this bill.

The only direct merit of this legislation is in terms of forcing departments to take account in policy-making the sort of concerns that departments should be taking of anyway.

The recent turn away by the supreme court from allowing policy challenges in judicial review probably means that any non-compliance by a department with the committee’s recommendations will not get any judicial remedy.

But there could be indirect effects – though not the feared ‘hijacks’ of Rees-Mogg and others.

Courts when dealing generally with questions of animal rights will now be aware that the legislature had provided for a formal mechanism for policy recommendations about animal welfare to be taken seriously.

That may not make any direct difference in any litigation, but the existence of a statutory scheme would inform and promote judicial and legal awareness that the welfare of animals is not a trivial or extremist position.

This legislation is a small step towards enforceable animal rights (or at least to an enforceable duty that animal welfare be considered in policy-making) and it should be welcomed for what little it does – though that is a lot less than what its supporters and opponents aver that it does.


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Positive vs Normative Statements – You may not want to blame the lawyers but it remains a fact that lawyers facilitate(d) slavery, torture, imperialism, police brutality, and so on

8th August 2021

Today’s post is, in effect, a footnote to yesterday’s post on laws and systems – what connects slavery, torture, imperialism, police brutality and so on.

The reason for this post is that some commenters responded to yesterday’s post as if my primary purpose were to impose blame on lawyers for their role in the facilitation of slavery, torture, imperialism, police brutality and so on.

Lawyers were only doing their job, the responses went, and so it was rather unfair of me to blame them.

All they were doing was advising on the law, and that is what is lawyers do.

I was being unfair, the response averred.


Such a protest is, in my view, to confuse positive and normative statements.

The existences of slavery, torture, imperialism, police brutality, and so on, in any organised society does – as a matter of positive fact – require the involvement of those who make and deal with laws.

This is simply because such things can only exist in an organised society if they are permitted – or at least recognised – by law.

And in modern societies, there is often a distinct profession for those who practise in laws: lawyers.


Whether any lawyers – individually or collectively – should be regarded as culpable for recognising or permitting activities is a separate and distinct argument to the one advanced in yesterday’s post

There may, for example, be a ‘cab rank’ rule which obliged lawyers to make submissions to court that they personally did not agree with.

Or the world-view of the time and place may have meant that, say, slavery, torture, or imperialism were not morally contested – and so it may be that it would not be historically fair to regard the lawyers enabling such activities as being especially culpable.

But even taking such normative points at their highest, there remains the positive and undeniable fact.

That is the positive fact that slavery, torture, imperialism, police brutality, and so on, can only exist in any modern society because they are facilitated by those who deal with and practice in law.

And this remains true – even if we can excuse (or find excuses for) individual lawyers who participate(d) in recognising or permitting such activities.


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Four hundred years after the civil wars, Parliament is being asked to give power back to the Crown

3rd August 2021

You would think that the grand question of the relationship between the powers of the crown and of parliament had been more-or-less settled over the last 400 years of our history.

The trend has been for the ‘prerogative’ powers of the crown – those powers that have legal effect because the crown is said to have such powers – to be subject to regulation or control by parliament and the courts.

And this is not an unusual thing for a polity that has become more democratic.

Some of these powers have moved to being under parliamentary and judicial supervision or direction at different times – but the tide has generally been in one direction.


As the historian Robert Saunders explains lucidly in this thread, we have a remarkable turn in the tide.

In particular:

The issue, is of course, the repeal of the unliked and unloved Fixed-term Parliaments Act.

This is the 2011 legislation which has never resulted in there being a parliament lasting an entire fixed-term.

Given how easily governments, through parliament, have circumvented the core provision of the legislation, it must be regarded – at least on the face of it – as one of the most singularly useless acts of parliament ever enacted.

(This blog has previously discussed this statute here.)


The principle behind the legislation was – and is – valid and important.

It should be for parliament – and not the executive – to decide when there should be an early general election (that is, an election before the end of a fixed term).

That there have perhaps been frustrations and misadventures with the legislation so far does not mean that the law should be abandoned absolutely – no more than any other prerogative being handed back to the monarch (and by implication the prime minister).

The historical trend away from passing power away from the executive to supervision or control by parliament and the executive has been bucked.

And, fittingly, it is this cavalier (in both senses) government seeking this reversal.


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Westminster and Whitehall have a laissez-faire approach, not to the economy but to the polity.

31st July 2021

Another Saturday.

Today’s Financial Times revealed how some are paying for access to ministers and policy-makers.

Tomorrow’s Sunday newspapers will reveal more problems in respect of the government – and more about those paying for access to ministers and policy-makers.

(This, of course, follows the extraordinary and extravagant decisions by ministers and officials in respect of procurements, including in respect of the pandemic.)

And as this thread on Twitter shows, the supreme court – which will be followed by other courts – appears to be making it more difficult for policy to be subject to judicial review.

All this in the context of what this blog avers is an ‘accountability gap’ in Westminster and Whitehall in respect of the formulation and administration of policy.

It is almost like watching a landscape painting being done in reverse, with an ever greater empty space in the middle of a canvass.

The space where accountability should be.

We have an increasingly unregulated State – a laissezfaire approach, not to the economy but to the polity.

Anything goes – whatever minister and officials in each department can get away with.

Anything goes – with only the lightest supervision by the judiciary and the legislature, and with many supervisory bodies rendered impotent.

And when anything goes, all sorts of things will go on.


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The urban legend of the boiled frog, Loki’s branching timelines, and public policy after Brexit

29th July 2021

I am still putting together my detailed piece on the Lugano Convention issue.

This is about how the European Commission has effectively vetoed the United Kingdom’s late (and panicked) application for participation in an arrangement for enforcing judgments in European Union and EFTA member states.

The piece looks at the causes of the current predicament – but also at the consequences.

The ‘so what?’ of any law and policy situation.

And sometimes the ‘so what?’ is not urgent and immediate – it is not eye-catching and headline-prompting and retweet-generating.

But it is serious all along.

And one only notices when it is too late.


Here the usual analogy is with the poor boiling frogs of urban folklore.

In reality, of course, the frogs, like other animals, would escape if they can when in ever-hotter water.

But a good analogy will never die, even if immersed in boiling water.


Another analogy – which is currently uppermost in the minds of fantasy and comics geeks (like me) – is that of branching timelines.

In Loki – a wonderful piece of television – the conceit is that there is an omnipotent and omniscient bureaucratic authority that monitors and regulates the timelines of the universe(s).

From time to time (pun intended), a thing happens on a timeline of a universe that means that there are stark deviations to that timeline.

And when those deviations in turn mean that there are significant new branches of reality, the bureaucrats-in-uniform intervene to correct the timeline.


Brexit is a new branching timeline in the history of the public policy of the United Kingdom.

Our public policy is now diverging from European Union public policy – slightly at first, and only becoming obvious over time.

But over that time, there will be many multiplying differences and discrepancies.

Those gaps will become wider and deeper.

But we are not in Loki.

There may not be some big-bang ‘nexus’ event to alert everyone to the huge gaps that will soon exist.

And we also do not have a time variance authority to step in to return us to the ‘sacred’ timeline from which we have departed.

We do not have the fantasy of some omnipotent and omniscient authority (and still less an omnibenevolent one).


This lack of a big-bang ‘nexus’ event is something, perhaps, that those campaigning for the United Kingdom to (re)join the European Union will not have as an advantage.

There may be no one spectacular sudden public policy failure to to which they can point.

Just a thousand inconveniences and misadventures, which will be endured and resented, but that will not mobilise and motivate a political movement.

We will be stuck with it.

We will be like a frog, but not one able to jump from boiling water

Instead, we will be a frog trapped in a bottle of our own making


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We need a stop-and-think approach to policy, not a stop-and-search policy

27th July 2021

Today there was a crime policy announcement.

Yet again, something or other will be ‘tougher’.

Like historians who say the middle class is always rising and the gentry always declining, crime policy is always getting ‘tougher’.

How can anybody involved in formulating and promoting this ‘policy’ keep a straight face?

Even the details of the policy are risible.

Pure ‘law and order’ theatre.

Convicts in high-vis jackets – for show.

A police officer with contact details – for show.

Stop-and-search policies without the need for suspicion – for ‘confidence’.

No thought, no substance – no thinking about rehabilitation, no thinking about a sensible and proportionate drugs policy.

And none of this new.

It is a staple for home secretaries of both main parties to want to introduce -in effect – the public humiliation of chain gangs.

As if that would have any beneficial effect for anyone.

There is already a police officer designated in charge of a case.

And indiscriminate stop-and-search creates tensions and conflicts in communities – and leads to the lack of confidence in the police.


All shallow-showy or counter-productive stuff.

Nothing serious, even from a ‘small-c’ conservative perspective, let alone from a sensible liberal perspective.


What we need is not a stop-and-search policy but a stop-and-think policy.

But – as this blog has previously averred – we have politicians more interested in ‘Law and Order!’ – complete with capitals and an exclamation mark – than actual law and order.

This is newspaper column material – but without even a reasonable suspicion of serious policy.

Appropriately, the best response was from cobblers:


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Politics v law and policy – a response to Dominic Cummings

26th July 2021

Late last night, Dominic Cummings posted this tweet, with a screengrab of a tweet from me from March 2019:

As a change from my usual daily blogpost, here is my thread in response:

Happy to deal with any comments below.


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Threats to doctors and nurses and lifeboat crews – and why laws and law enforcement are not enough

25th July 2021


‘…we are indeed drifting into the arena of the unwell. Making an enemy of our own future.’

– Marwood, Withnail and I


Every so often it seems that the culture wars are coming to an end, and then you get extraordinary things like this:

A speaker tells a crowd in Trafalgar Square that doctors and nurses should be ‘hung’.


People are abusing lifeboat crews.


Doctors and nurses and lifeboat crews are perhaps the last individuals that would be insulted and threatened in a decent modern society.

Without any of the mirth of the Withnail and I film, we can echo the sentiment that our country is drifting (ever further) into area of the unwell.


Those who defend such abuse may seek to say that it is only ‘freedom of speech’.

But no society has absolute free speech.

An immediate verbal threat of harm is not a protected speech act – just as forging a cheque or planning a robbery are not protected speech acts.

And dealing with threats to inflict hurt on other humans is what the law has, in part, always been about.

But to say a thing is against the law is not the same as saying the law would be effective in prohibiting such abuse.

Indeed, the laws as they stand would cover such utterances – and the law has not deterred the threats from being made.

And even if individuals were arrested and convicted, there is no reason to believe the nastiness of the culture wars would abate.

The ultimate issue here is not a public order problem with a neat legal solution.

The issue is cultural and political and social – and so only looking to the law would be an error.

There is a need for cultural and political and social leadership: for arguments to be won, and for behaviours to be discredited.

Laws and law enforcement will be part of that, of course, but they are not a complete answer, or close to it.

Once we are deep inside the arena of the unwell, there is no set of law suits or prosecutions with which we can bound free.

Those who threaten doctors and nurses and lifeboat crews should be prosecuted fully and fearlessly.

But such prosecutions would not make the problem go away.

Something deeper and more disturbing is afoot.

Brace, brace.


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Why ‘there’s been so little thinking about this’ – the accountability gap again

24th July 2021

Read this tweet about Whitehall.


This sentiment also could have expressed many times during the course of Brexit.

This general thoughtlessness is now a feature of political decision-making and (lack of) policy-making in the United Kingdom – at least in that part which is governed from Whitehall and subject to the (lack of) scrutiny of the parliament in Westminster.

How has this come to pass?

One safe assumption is that human nature – even in the context of politics – has not changed.

Politicians – like people generally – will tend to be thoughtless unless there is a reason not to be.

Politicians will tend to seek to get away with what they can.

If this assumption is valid, then the question is what enables politicians to get away with such thoughtlessness.

Perhaps politicians have always been like this – one can think of the Poll Tax or the invasion of Iraq – as illustrations of thoughtlessness in policy-making.

Perhaps it is that Brext and Covid have both been so destabilising, all that has happened is that the general political gormlesssness has been exposed by being thrown into relief.


But it also can be contended that – as this blog has averred many times – there is an accountability gap within the United Kingdom polity.

This means government departments know there is little or nothing to check and balance misdirections, misadventures and maladministration.

This gap – even if it has always been there – appears to be widening.

Ministers are now open in their disdain for parliament and for serious media scrutiny: they do not even now pretend.

The cabinet office increasingly seems to brazenly revel in being obstructive in respect of freedom of information and parliamentary select committees.

The public ombudsman system – expressly responsible for investigating maladministration – is so impotent that it may as well not exist.

And even those bodies which do show spirit and dedication in holding the government to account – some select committees and the national audit office – are ignored by ministers and much of media.

In between general elections there is no real accountability – and even the policy mandates conferred in general elections are ignored.

In all these circumstances, the wonder is not that we have so much thoughtlessness in the making of decisions and policy – but that we ever get any at all.


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